100 Years
Enterprise Login
Software Product Innovation and Social Impact
Sandip Shinde
Head of Alliances & Operations
July 7, 2022
Opp. Udupi Tadka Gokul Pure Veg Restaurant, Shri Hari Narayan Kute Marg, Mumbai Naka, Renuka Nagar, Nashik, Maharashtra 422002
Key Takeaways
Transform your idea into a product through HumanCentredDesign.
Form follows function: Evolve your product continuously to stay relevant in the market.
Fail fast, fail early, fail cheap: Rapidly prototype and iterate continuously.
A large market may not remain large enough. Respond in an agile way to changing market dynamics.
Always look at measurableimpact - social or commercial.
As an entrepreneur, attract intrapreneurs and not just employees.
Progress over perfection: Begin somewhere first and the path ahead will show itself once you begin.
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